Maple Grove Township is primarily a rural, residential community. Below is a map showing our various zoning locations.

Maple Grove Township Zoning Map.

Here is the legend for the various zoning zones:

A-1 Agricultural:
To preserve and promote the use of land for food and fiber production. To reinforce the continued agriculture use of property as encouraged by the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Act.

A-2 Agricultural:
To permit appropriate non-form uses of land while preserving the rural mature of the area. To Permit a gradual transition from agriculture preservation areas to more intensive uses without giving way to urban sprawl.

R-1A Residential – Transitional:
To encourage and preserve attractive neighborhood environments consisting of single-family dwellings on individual lots and compatible uses. To create residential areas that will maintain their quality of life for future inhabitants.

B-1 Commercial – Neighborhood:
To accommodate commercial activities that meet the day-to-day convenience shopping and service needs of township residents. To promote development of offices in a manner that will compliment surrounding neighborhoods. To provide a transition zone between residential neighborhoods and intensive commercial areas. To permit development of multiple-family dwellings under appropriate conditions.

B-2 Commercial Community:
To preserve and enhance business areas serving a regional market and/or serving the needs of the automobile traveler on major arterial streets.

M Industrial – Light:
To encourage attractive industrial development that is in keeping with the township’s character. To permit manufacturing, processing, assembling, packaging, or treatment of products when these activities take place only inside a building. To permit compatible sales or service uses. To prohibit residential or intensive retail uses in industrial locations.