Maple Grove Master Plan Open House – Sunday January 26th
Public Input Needed to Confirm Township’s Future Direction
Maple Grove Township is requesting the public confirm its development direction. The Township’s first land use Master Plan has been drafted, and Township officials would like to hear from the community about what they envision for and desires of the future.
Community master plans provide guidance to the Township’s Planning Commission and Board of Trustees regarding land use and capital infrastructure decisions. This plan will lay the framework for and sets the course for future development of the Township for the next 20 years or more.
In summer 2023, the Township kicked off drafting the land use Master Plan process with the Township’s Planning Commission. They’ve finished their efforts and the draft plan is ready for community comment.
Prior to formally adopting the Plan, the public is being invited to attend an informal Open House. This workshop will present the Master Plan’s vision, goals and actions, Future Land Use Map, and implementation recommendations in a visual way for community review and comment.
This Master Plan Open House will be held on Sunday January 26th from 10 AM to 1 PM at the Maple Grove Township Senior Center, 4017 Peet Road, 48616
The draft Master Plan is a comprehensive vision that provides succinct action strategies for new development while supporting actions that will preserve the community’s sense of place and character.
Once adopted, the Maple Grove Master Plan 2025 will serve as a framework for ongoing Township development through identifying a series of goals and actions and implementation strategies. The master plan’s long-range view of the community will guide development over the next 10 to 20 years while providing flexibility to respond to changing conditions, innovations, and new information.
For the update to be effective, it requires the public to confirm the Plan’s vision and direction for the community. This Open House is designed to elicit responses from residents, business owners, and other interested parties with interactive stations.
To ensure that the plan reflects the goals and desires of the community, the team drafting the plan would like to confirm the recommendations incorporated into the Plan to address the land use issues facing the Township and its residents.
Once this input is received, the draft Master Plan will return to the Planning Commission for their input. If they’re satisfied with the Plan, the Commission would then recommend the Plan to begin its formal review and adoption process to Township Board of Trustees. After this mandated process is completed, one of the final adoption steps would be a formal public hearing before the Planning Commission.
Got great ideas on how Township should continue to develop? The Planning Commission would like to hear from you. Everyone is welcome to attend the Open House, and representatives of Township and the consultant will be present to listen to the input.
There will be light refreshments served during the Open House.
The multidisciplinary consulting firm Wade Trim is leading this effort. Wade Trim has been providing urban planning services to municipal and private sector clients since 1972, and its team is focusing on the unique needs of Michigan’s rural communities and small towns.
Any questions or additional information, please contact the Scott Wendling, Planning Commission chair at (989) 397-0226.
The draft Master Plan can be found here: